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Fresh out the oven:

Unify raises $12M to scale your revenue team's creativity

A time-honored recipe warming the hearts (and pipelines) of businesses for generations, now supercharged with fresh funding.

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Sizzling pipeline
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Prep time
A few minutes
Important note
Don't forget your apron! This recipe is cultivated with the help of Emergence Capital, Thrive Capital, OpenAI and many others, making it guaranteed to spark a sizzle in your pipeline.
A heaping cup of intent signals (of 10+ varieties)
A bundle of Audiences, carefully sorted by persona
A generous splash of Plays, freshly prepared
A cup of Sequences, gently warmed for optimal deliverability
A dollop of AI-powered personalization & research agent
A teaspoon of bi-directional CRM syncs
A pinch of Unify's secret ingredient
In a large Unify bowl, combine all intent signals until well integrated
Gently fold in some Audiences, picked from your data garden
Whisk in the Plays, until your prospecting and enrichment is light and fluffy
Carefully blend in the AI personalization, ensuring each message is uniquely flavored
Gradually add Sequences, ensuring even distribution throughout the mixture
Sprinkle a generous pinch of Unify's secret ingredient
Allow the mixture to bake in your analytics oven, monitoring
Chef's Personal Note
The secret ingredient in this recipe can only be revealed in the delightful Unify kitchen. It's a special blend of data wisdom, AI magic, and automation craft, designed to be irresistible to any prospect.
Austin photo (CEO)Connor Heggie, CTO
A Taste of Tomorrow's Outbound
Ready to savor the future of outbound and master our secret recipe? Visit our kitchen and let us share our secrets on how this recipe can warm up your pipeline and stir up some new customers.